Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Council Grove, KS

Blogs are not usually posted on holidays, but this is a chance to update the previous blog on 11/6 about the Oak Tree Post Office. One reader wanted to know where it was located.

*** UPDATE ***The Post Office Oak stump on the Santa Fe Trail in Council Grove, Kansas, a National Historic Landmark, was cut down on Tuesday, September 9, 2008, at nine am, because it was rotten in the center and was in danger of falling. This is one of the most historic trees in Council Grove. The stump is 20 feet tall and 13 feet in diameter. The Post Office Oak, about 270 years old when it died in 1999, had a cache (hole) near the base where travelers going west or east on the Santa Fe Trail left messages for other travelers. This was a common practice for 20 years. The messages might be about water, dangers or opportunities.


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