Thursday, July 30, 2009

She saved lives

What's your worse case scenario?
For someone handling the mail, finding a suspicious parcel is perhaps the worst thing that can happen.

On June 29, 2005, Renwick, IA, Postmaster Lynne Zimmerman discovered a suspicious parcel left in the lobby at the Post Office. She knew it wasn't right based on her training.

Zimmerman correctly kept customers away from the parcel and notified the Inspection Service.

Inspectors examined the parcel using mobile X-Ray Unit and identified a 5” X 1” galvanized pipe bomb inside an antique radio. The Des Moines Police Bomb Squad rendered the device safe.

Thanks to some help from the Postmaster, Postal Inspectors eventually arrested the bomber. John Worman was arrested n April 10, 2008.

At the trial, a cool Zimmerman provided key testimony about her role in the investigation and presented herself in a professional manner, according to Postal Inspector Troy Raper. The trial took six days, but the federal jury found Worman guilty on all counts. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

At the sentencing, the judge specifically credited Zimmerman for likely saving lives due to her alertness in intercepting the parcel.
Zimmerman has a word for fellow employees.
"Always remember your training," she said. "We are the first line of defense."


Anonymous said...

GREAT JOB LYNN!!!!!!!! Swea City is happy you are doing your job!!

Anonymous said...

Training is the key. Good Job!