Thursday, January 5, 2012

We're No. 1

A review of the performance of universal postal service providers by the Oxford Strategic Consulting (OSC) firm has named USPS the best postal service in the world for access to services, resource efficiency, and performance and public trust.

The report found that USPS delivers nearly double the number of letters per employee as its closest competitor and more than five times more letters per employee than fifth-place Deutsche Post. 

Universal service postal providers are regulated by law to provide vital access to a range of services through extensive networks of post offices and guaranteed deliveries of letters and parcels. They are committed to delivering a service that is dependable and accessible to all citizens and organizations in any given country, and its economic activity. This commitment is called a Universal Service Obligation (USO). 

OSC conducts advanced research and helps private and government organizations achieve key strategic objectives. The review ranks USPS, Japan Post, Australia Post, Korea Post and Deutsche Post in its top five. USPS earned the premier ranking due to its high operating efficiency and public trust in its performance. 

Professor William Scott-Jackson, director, OSC said, "Despite increasing competition from digital communications, postal services retain a key role in societies across the globe. The ranking provides the best available benchmark of universal postal service providers' performance over the last three years."

The full report will be published in January, a preview copy is available here:


Anonymous said...

I hope that the "Powers-That-Be" will read this report!!! But the question is . . . will it help stop the demise of OUR United States Postal Service???

Anonymous said...

of course we're #1 ... most of it is junk mail.

Exhume said...

Given our current situation I think most people look at us like #2...if you know what I mean.

Grannybunny said...

To heck with the naysayers, we're Number One!