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Chester Reed |
He was never late. He never called in sick.
With 37 years of postal experience, the mailhandler isn't ready to sit at home. He is planning travel is not going to sit at home. He already has plans to travel to Moscow, Denmark, Sweden and India.
Read the Washington Post story here.
A Benny salute to Chester! Thank you for your service.
This is an amazing achievement!!! To go 37 years and NEVER call in sick is something else. I wish him the very, very best and Godspeed!!!
I don't think it is "amazing" at all. Anyone can equal his record. Part of this could easily be the result of bad memories. I say show us the S/L balance and let's calculate the numbers. We've all heard it - numbers don't lie. I personally don't believe any of these "never called in sick" stories. It just means that they burned their annual leave in-lieu of sick leave because a) they want to avoid the wrath of their supervisor whose merit is tied to their units' sick leave performance, b) they're motivated by "recognition" or cheap trinkets some offices hand out as an incentive to come to work sick, or c) they mistakenly think that saving their sick leave will enhance their retirement benefit in a more than nominal way. (Yes, yes, I'm well aware of the added benefit for CSRS employees and soon FERS employees - I was an HR Specialist for 21 years, but do the math...) Oh, don't misunderstand me, sick leave is a wonderful benefit and I am very grateful for it. I think saving your sick leave as salary protection against future health issues is a good idea, but when I am too sick to work, trust me, I use my sick leave. That's what it's for - HELLO...? By the way, lest you think of me as one of THOSE who whiz-it-away every time they have a sniffle or want to go fishing or shopping, I have "banked" enough sick leave to carry me for a year should the need arise.
How sad is it that some of you just can't understand such a work ethic. Although a benefit, if you really never need it you could just let it go back to USPS. No, we are so worried about our "rights" - got get it somehow, sure can't just leave it go. The last two commenters (one was removed)are a large part of what's wrong with USPS.
37 years and not sick one day! Age 95 and still healthy! What's not to like about this story!
In reference to the fourth comment above - you are so right. It is a sad commentary when somebody has to "bad-mouth" someone else's accomplishment!!! The man is 95 years old and still working. I hope I, if I make that far, can still work or at least be productive to society! Give the man his due and show some respect.
And to the second comment above - you want to see his Sick Leave numbers - well, let's see yours! Do you really have a year's sick leave in the "bank" or are you just talking smack!!! It is easy to talk smack on a blog.
Just had to come back and see more comments about this and, wow, I am surprised at the animosity towards my comments, above. I missed the one that was removed, but "Polly-Anna's" comment about how supposedly sad it is not understanding work ethic and 'giving a benefit back to the USPS'...oh my goodness, how ignorant can a person be? There is not enough space here to educate a person that thinks like that. My remark was not about Mr. Reed's ethics, I just question the varacity of the "facts" as reported. You see, after 32+ years with this organization, i've seen lots of stuff that didn't add up. I was merely pointing out how anybody could look good for the record. But at what cost to you and your family? You see, anyone can use-up your annual leave when you're sick so you can keep a pristine sick leave record, but what do you do when you need a vacation? I used to do that early in my career until I realized that it is better to take care of myself than the "company."
Me "talkin' smack"? Not hardly. I have nearly 2,000 hours of sick and if I hadn't had a few babies and the flu and pneumonia, etc, I would have a "perfect" sick leave record, too. And what about you - "I hope I can still work..." - at 95? Oh, please! YOU be talkin' smack!
An accomplishment for Mr. Reed who is doing it his way! Perhaps he doesn't have a family at home and his co-workers are his family. I knew a mail handler like that in North Carolina. He loved working.
Anyway, I also agree with the person (32 years) who says Chester probably forfeited his annual leave for doctor appointments, etc. I too gave all for my PO jobs during my early family years. Wish I had those times back to correct my attitude and put my family first. It's VERY tough to balance work and family when supervision applies stress on you, drops your tour and job, moves you, etc.
What is so unsettling is the level of frustration on the folks writing messages on this blog. I'm already eligible to retire and with that elibility came freedom. Freedom to come in and do a good day's work without the threat of what someone could do to my life and family just because they were having a bad day or our personalities clashed. I always wondered why people didn't retire the minute they became eligible, and now I know. They were finally free to enjoy the job.
May God continue to bless you Chester Reed! You are an inspiration to all, and may you enjoy every minute of your travels.
So I could see some of the above posts, had this blog been on the subject of sick leave. BUT IT WASN"T! It is a blog on celebrating the life and retirement of a 95 year old who is a veteran of the air force and a 37 year veteran of the postal service. I say shame on all of you that took this good man's retirement story and made it a case for your own frustration with the postal service.
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