Spanish and Chinese are the
two most popular languages spoken in the United States after English. To reach this
growing audience, is now available in Spanish and Simplified Chinese.
All product and service description pages as well as all FAQs, many advertisements, and applications such as Look Up a ZIP Code and Track & Confirm are available in Spanish and Simplified Chinese.
More languages will be offered in the future.
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Learn to read and write the language - ENGLISH.
America has traditionally been called a "melting pot," to describe how people from different countries join together to become one, Americans. However, I prefer the comparison to a patchwork quilt, with patches of different colors, shapes, textures, etc., joining together to form a beautiful whole. My Mom grew up in North Dakota, in a small town where everyone spoke Norwegian, Swedish or German, and yes, English. However, I note that Lawrence Welk also grew up in a small town in North Dakota and didn't learn to speak English until he was 21 years old! It's a good thing for USPS to make our products and services accessible to as many people as possible.
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