There have been several figures through the years who dearly prized their typewriters including:
- Mark Twain is said to have been the first to submit a typewritten manuscript to a publisher with The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in 1876.
- Ernest Hemingway used to write his books standing in front of a Royal typewriter placed on a tall bookshelf.
- Jack Kerouac typed On the Road on a roll of paper so he would not have to be interrupted to change the paper.
- Henry James dictated to a typist.
- David McCullough bought himself a second-hand Royal typewriter in 1965 and it has been the sole piece of technology he used in producing the manuscripts of every book he has published including two Pulitzer Prize winners.
What's next? A return to the quill and ink? I was quite fond of them.
In high school, they taught us to type on IBM Selectrics, the same kind depicted on the Pioneers of American Industrial Design stamps that were recently released. I'm gettig nostalgic remembering the clickety-clack of all those typewriters going at the same time!!
When I was in high school, we learned on manual typewriters. I now have 2 degrees, but still consider typing the most useful course I ever took.
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