Earning Million Mile Safe Driving awards from the National Safety Council were Longmont city letter carriers Ron Knopp, Paul Gartenmann and Henry Zamora along with vehicle maintenance worker Terry Samuel.
Letter Carrier Paul Gartenmann
Longmont Mayor Roger Lange and Traffic Sargeant Mike Bell from the Longmont Police Dept. helped present the award placques and honored these safe driving postal comrades. (They would have had the town sheriff or marshall on hand in my time.)
There are tough requirements to achieve recognition from the National Safety Council to become a member of its elite Million Mile Safe Driving Club. The employee must have driven at least one million miles in their postal career, or have accumulated at least 30 years service in an occupation that regularly requires safe driving, without being involved in a preventable vehicle accident during that period. The Million Mile Safe Driving Award is coordinated through the National Safety Council.
"It is a very safety-conscious, well-earned and prestigious award to achieve," said Longmont Postal Supervisor Luke Grant. "Especially for our letter carriers and postal motor vehicle operators, who drive miles and miles every day. They have to practice safe driving in all kinds of traffic, weather and conditions. We are proud to honor Henry Zamora, Ron Knopp, Paul Gartenmann and Terry Samuel for their many miles of safe driving and dedicated service to the Longmont community."
I wish I had these safe riders delivering the mail in my day. I bet they can all handle and ride a horse safely.
There are tough requirements to achieve recognition from the National Safety Council to become a member of its elite Million Mile Safe Driving Club. The employee must have driven at least one million miles in their postal career, or have accumulated at least 30 years service in an occupation that regularly requires safe driving, without being involved in a preventable vehicle accident during that period. The Million Mile Safe Driving Award is coordinated through the National Safety Council.
"It is a very safety-conscious, well-earned and prestigious award to achieve," said Longmont Postal Supervisor Luke Grant. "Especially for our letter carriers and postal motor vehicle operators, who drive miles and miles every day. They have to practice safe driving in all kinds of traffic, weather and conditions. We are proud to honor Henry Zamora, Ron Knopp, Paul Gartenmann and Terry Samuel for their many miles of safe driving and dedicated service to the Longmont community."
I wish I had these safe riders delivering the mail in my day. I bet they can all handle and ride a horse safely.
Letter Carrier Henry Zamora
Congratulations! It's clear safe driving habits and defensive driving skills combine to achieve this honor.
Congrats, Mr. Gartenmann. Best to you and your future. Worked with you @ Wellshire. Bob "Higgy" Higginbotham.
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