Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy Anniversary, Benny!

Can you believe it?

It's been a full year since I joined the online revolution and started blogging. After more than 300 posts, hundreds of photos, and thousands of comments, we're still going strong.

It's been a comeback of sorts for me. Although I started this great postal service a couple of centuries ago, I'd lost touch. But now, thanks to the thousands of new friends I have all across the country, I have renewed faith in this organization. You want to see us succeed and that warms my heart on this special day.

So, even though it's my anniversary, it's really a day to celebrate us!

Although I am shy and modest, I'm not opposed to gifts, well-wishes, and other greetings . If you like this blog or just like Benny, click here and leave a comment.
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Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your hard work !!!

Anonymous said...

I'm set up to receive Your Postal Blog every day and it's one of the first messages I read in the morning. It sure is nice knowing my first wake up "call" isn't going to put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day, unlike most of the others!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this blog and commend you for the variety of topics. Some are serious and informative and some are light and funny. But they are all unique to us. Just what all Postal Workers need in this day and age.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, Mr. Franklin! I love the way I start my day, with the minute or two,
I spend with you.

Joleen Carrier said...

Very enjoyable nice to read possitive blogs.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're here :)
RR 17
Hudson Station
Modesto, Ca.

Anonymous said...

love you Benny Happy May Day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!
I enjoy reading each article with it's comments and can not wait to see what is coming in the future.

Anonymous said...

A positive note in a sometimes hectic and harrassed world. Thank you for all you do.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Can't believe it has been a year! I enjoy the blog and look forward to it every day! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I like this blog and lot of innovative and creative pictures to emphasizemost current themes. It is a good minute or two break or fresh start in the morning like a morning coffee. Also it could be a forum to get quick ideas and opinions. Thanks a lot for keeping it on and Happy Anniversary and hope this would be as active with lots of participation that will make it go for ever.

Anonymous said...

Your Blog is one of the few things...memories aside..that I will take with me when I retire in 2 months..

Anonymous said...

I just became acquainted with this blog and enjoy it. Good sounding board. Keep the conversations flowing.

Anonymous said...

I love this blog! It allows every voice to be heard on topics that need to be discussed. We often wish our managers would have such discussion with their staff.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I do so enjoy your blog, and having once personally met you makes it all the better.
Somewhere In Kansas

grannybunny said...

I enjoy the blog, and save alot of the pictures to use as background for my desktop. The podcasts are great, too, and very well done. Keep up the good work!

Postmaster from the midwest said...

Very enjoyable, I print alot of the pictures off for my customers to enjoy also. Keep up the good blogs.Good idea grannybunny, about using the pictures for a desktop.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your Blog. I like the variety of topics.

Anonymous said...

Your messages are often uplifting or at least enjoyable. Hopefully you share the occassional feedback you ask for, with other postal movers and shakers.