Here at the Postal Service we have uniforms and allowances for city carriers and window clerks. It's worked for our public "brand." Every person in America can spot one of our employees.
It used to be that we all had the same image in public. But lately, in some circles, it seems we've been a little lax. A slowly emerging casual status has infected our ranks and you'll often see uniform variations out there.
Do you think this a good thing? Do the uniform standards need to relaxed? Enforced? Updated? What's the most outrageous thing you've seen?
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Should uniform standards be relaxed or enforced? |
Yes, I think P. O. employees should wear uniforms. In fact, I think all employees that come in contact with the public should wear them. From the big down to the small Post offices.
I really miss the "old" days when window clerks had a choice between a white shirt, a yellow shirt and the blue shirt all with the eagle emblem on them. With our current shirts, I often get mistaken for a janitor! And the pants, who wears polyester, itchy pants with puckering seems that makes us look way FAT! I buy my own pants. Yes, we need an update and NO ties this time! Nothing like sweating in summer and still wearing a vice around the neck!
Uniform standards should be enforced!
All uniform inputs should be from the people who have to wear them, never from management who really could care less, and seriously, some in management who have a vendetta against the workers, would make sure that whatever they choose for them, would make it as uncomfortable as possible. This is the way USPS management is. Thousands of grievances across the country shows their inhumanity.
Mike L.
As a career carrier I've seen the standards get way too lax and go by the by. Appearance is the first thing people notice and our uniform identifies us as official personnel. Uniform standards should be enforced. Uniforms, however, should not make the job difficult. Polyester clothing is uncomfortable and does not breathe. Ties are no longer a standard and should be abandoned. The uniform suppliers should not be able to charge outrages prices for crap! Make the uniform something a worker can be able to wear with pride not derision.
I think uniforms should be worn by all but I also think that we should update and get rid of the pajama top. The current one is just plain ugly! I received many compliments when we had the white shirts.
We should keep the uniforms but the U.S. Postal Service should not pay for them. Our employees make a nice living and can afford to provide their own work attire just like shoe salesman provide their own slacks and tie. It is time to ask what we can do to save our company from permanently going under and doing away with the clothing allowance is a small step, but one in the right direction. We have been too pampered for too long.
YES, by all means the uniform standards should be enforced. I sometimes am embarrassed by how bad some of the people at the window look.. sloppy!! very bad for the public image. Also, some of the carriers are looking sloppy as well. an old athletic saying: You play as good as you look!!! meaning if you look sloppy you are going to work sloppy. we need to save the Postal Service and the public image needs to see we care....
I agree that uniforms are necessary for employees than come in contact with the public, and would be nice for all employees. City carriers and window clerks are usually required to wear uniforms, except for some casuals/TE's/PTF's and rural carriers don't have uniforms. Postmasters/PMR's/clerks in small offices also usually don't wear uniforms. However, there is the problem of cost. Should the employee have to pay for them (remember, some business do NOT pay for uniforms but require employees to wear them.) If USPS pays for uniforms for all employees the cost could be prohibitive, especially with the financial situation we're facing. A possible compromise would be to negotiate with clothing manufacturers for t-shirts and polos with the USPS emblem for a low price. Then have employees wear them with dark pants or khakis, something most people already have or can buy at discount stores. Even with uniform allowances the prices charged by sellers are so high that employees must supplement at their own cost unless they want to wash clothes every day. We really don't need to be in button-front shirts with ties if we just have something with the USPS logo in plain view. For employees working outside who want to wear hats, again they should have the USPS logo on them.
You can certainly relax the standards for uniforms. Of course, that should be followed by the elinination of uniform allowances. Think of the money we would save!
Yes, uniform policies should be enforced. There is nothing worse than seeing someone in a service-type job with a dirty, sloppy, or torn uniform.
That being said, however, our uniforms should be comfortable for the people required to wear them. Polyester pants? Gotta go. Not only do the employees hate them, they look terrible. Our employees should be proud of the uniforms they wear, not embarrassed by them.
Our employees should be *proud* of the uniforms they wear. I liked that!
Yes, I like the look & I like wearing uniforms. My office decreased in size from a CAG J to a CAG K. Even though I work the window over 5 hours a day, I can no longer get a uniform allowance. If I were a clerk, I would get the allowance. I think this is very unfair. I no longer wear the uniform.
I am a level 13 Cag J postmaster, working the window for 7-3/4 hrs/day. Even before I found that I could get an allowance, and even now when I use up my allowance, I have purchased my own as I feel as a representative of USPS we must look the part~PLUS I no longer ruin my own clothing with the news print, ink, etc. In our district they have banned shorts, spandex, capris, jeans, sandles, etc. I can't believe they actually had to tell us that (meaning I can't believe we had employees out there wearing that at the window). We are the POSTAL SERVICE and as such, should look the part.
I do think that the uniform is important. To many things have been relaxed as far as appearance. It is good to be recognized as USPS emoployees. Lets show some pride.
I want to clarify a few things.
#1 No the Postal Service does not pay for everyones uniforms, only the career employees. There are a lot of people who work for USPS that don't get a uniform allowance.
#2 Yes the uniforms are way over priced for what you get. Workers who don't get an allowance, can not afford to buy them.
#3 If you have ever worked mail, you know how dirty you can get,and how the equipment is really hard on your clothes,and how full of ink you can get just reinking the daters. Yes uniforms are great, but lets make them affordable, and USPS should give everyone that works for them an allowance, that is the only fair thing to do. Every employee deserves to be treated equal wether we are a career employee, or just a comman worker, it is what the Postal Service expects from us why not do what you say.
It's important to keep the "brand", much more professional looking.
I support uniforms for carriers, window clerks, and any other employee that works with the public. Employees that work at the plants or other jobs that are not in the public eye should be able to wear whatever they want as long as it is decent, unoffensive, and safe - especially shoes.Management should dress in business attire that is appropriate for a management position. Uniforms should be paid for by the uniform allowance and they should be made out of quality materials - no polyester. The polo shirts for window clerks are a good idea but the current ones are not very attractive and are a polyester blend. We can do better than that and have attractive, comfortable uniforms that identify us as the Postal Service.
BROWN is part of the UPS brand. Where is our uniform brand so the public knows immediately we are Postal?
Yes to uniforms!
Yes to enforcing the dress code!
Neat, clean, comfortable uniforms must be provided to those who meet the public. Temps should receive some type of cap and/or vest to wear.
If maintenance (vehicle, equipment, and building) still receive a limited budget for uniforms, that should be eliminated/shifted to other crafts who meet the public.
I'm a level 13 Postmster and I work the window for 8 hours. I work the window and put up mail. I don't get a uniform allowance. It would be nice to get one. It seems that as large as the Postal Service is that they could come up with some nice looking uniforms that we could purchase that would not cost an arm & leg.
I support the suggestion of polo shirts and navy/khaki pants or shorts. The current blue came with the new eagle - almost 15 years ago! While better than white, the light blue still shows the dirt and ink stains. Hats with USPS logo, please. Although I did see carriers in Cody, Wyoming sporting cowboy hats! That could be a local decision.
I am a PM and do not receive an allowance and I think like the others that we should and make it a nice one. Many of the uniform vendor will not allow anyone without an allowance to even purchase uniform clothing,I was a
carrier and clerk and received an allowance with both positions. I work the window for 7 hours a day
and always wear a shirt that say USPS because I think it is important for a company like ours.
Everyone that is around the public and handels mail should have an allowance and I agree they need to a design that is attractive and comfortable to wear. Does any one know who picks out the designs of uniforms for us?
We refer to the uniforms as "The no-fills version of Amish Wear" They to update and go with something more comfortable.
Yes, I think uniform are a good idea. But, they definitely need to update the style. No Polyester! I was a city carrier for 20 years. Not only are the polyester pants, NOT flattering, but in the hot days,when you are sweating they are NOT comfortable. Then in the cold weather days, the polyester doesn't help. Please....NO POLYESTER.
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